Named after its leaves, which resemble the liver, hepatica can be found in rich deciduous woodlands throughout our area.
Skunk Cabbage

Skunk cabbage in bloom. Later in spring the plant will unfurl its large leaves that, yes, are just as stinky as its flowers. Meanwhile the…
Bloom, Skunk Cabbage, Spring, WildflowerJoe-Pye Weed
Mmmmm. Pie. Is there anything more delectably satisfying than a nice pie? My own preferences run toward a double-crust fruity variety, with the top five…
Joe-Pye Wee, Perennial, Plant, Purple, WildflowerPawpaws
So last week visited a place I’ve heard about my entire life, but had never actually seen-at least not in Illinois. It wasn’t the Mountain…
Bloom, Ephemeral, Pawpaw, WildflowerWhite Snakeroot
Usually when people write about wildflowers they use words like beautiful to describe the blossoms. Or terms like vigorous or conservative to describe the growth…
Bloom, Blossom, White Snakeroot, WildflowerBloodroot

April 10, 2015 Bloodroot The spring break season is upon us! Over the past few weeks, I’ve heard from friends who’ve traveled to Hawaii, Tennessee, Virginia, Florida and Arizona. Thanks to Facebook, I’ve been able to see pictures showing the lush green of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the deep orange and purple of
Bloodroot, Spring, Wildflower