Turkey vultures are the sorts of birds that command attention. For one, they’re VULTURES-dark-feathered and hunchbacked, they look vaguely creepy even under the best of…

A few weeks ago I came as close as I’ve ever come to getting my Naturalist Card revoked. Right there on Route 47, a little south of Plank Road, with the sun high in the sky and a hint of a breeze in the air, I had to admit to the biggest gaffe I’ve ever
Bird, Roadkill, Turkey VultureTurkey Vultures

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District September 14, 2012 Driving along Peck Road the other day, a merry band of naturalists spotted a TV dinner on the pavement. Even better, the TV was right next to it! Now, before visions
Bird, Fly, Turkey VultureTurkey Vultures

Pam’s Perspective Pam Otto is the Manager of Nature Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District Turkey vultures are the sorts of birds that command attention. For one, they’re vultures—dark-feathered and hunchbacked, they look vaguely creepy even under the best of circumstances. For another, they’re big—their 6-ft. wingspan rivals that of the
Birds, Fly, Turkey VultureTVs

Driving along Peck Road the other day, a merry band of naturalists spotted a TV dinner on the pavement. Even better, the TV was right next to it! Now, before visions of Swanson’s Salisbury Steak and a Sony flatscreen start dancing in your head, hold on. The dinner we discovered was a dead raccoon, and
Bird, Scavenger, Turkey Vulture