Working as the park safety supervisor for the St. Charles Park District, patrolling our public lands late into the night, Tim Timberlake has had plenty…
Squirrels & Walnuts
We’ve all been there… That awkward moment when you realize there’s a poppy seed from your morning muffin wedged between your two front teeth. Or…
Black Walnut, Squirrel, Tree, WalnutBlack Squirrels – Part 2
Last week we embarked on a story of Kane County squirrels-specifically black squirrels, which are a dark form of our common gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis-and…
Black Squirrel, Critter, SquirrelBlack Squirrels – Part 1
They say that lightning never strikes the same place twice. But I wonder, is the same true of cars? And what about squirrels? These questions…
Black Squirrel, Critter, SquirrelSquirrel Scatter Hoarders

Years ago, as a rookie staff writer at a restaurant magazine, I had the pleasure of working with a tremendously talented senior editor named Audrey. Her wit and skill had earned her a spot near the top of the publishing food chain, yet she made herself accessible to us young cubs. If I needed a
Hoarders, Nuts, Scatter, SquirrelLined Ground Squirrels

Though sometimes maligned for its burrowing and seed-hoarding habits, the thirteen-lined ground squirrel fulfills an important ecological niche. May 23, 2014 Lined Ground Squirrel “That’s not a chipmunk.” The astute visitor, wise beyond his 4 ½ years, stubbornly stood by his resolution, while his companions (people who, I’m guessing, were Grandma and Grandpa) tried to
Chipmunk, Critter, SquirrelSquirrel Mating

Have you noticed what’s up with squirrels lately? Only a week or so back, they were hopping about in minimalist survival mode: foraging; keeping an eye out for predators; and in general trying to stay as warm and dry as their furry little bodies—and fluffy tail-that-doubles-as-a-blanket-and-umbrella—would let them. But, boy, things sure have changed these
Critters, Mating, SquirrelSquirrels

St. Charles Park District Nature News – January 29 Have you noticed what’s up with squirrels lately? Only a week or so back, they were hopping about in minimalist survival mode: foraging; keeping an eye out for predators; and in general trying to stay as warm and dry as their furry little bodies—and fluffy tail-that-doubles-as-a-blanket-and-umbrella—would
Critters, SquirrelBlack Squirrel

Sometimes, when you write a nature column, you just don’t know when inspiration is going to strike. Ideas for columns have come while walking to work, while working in the yard and once, memorably, when I stepped in something icky. But this week was different. I wasn’t anywhere near the outdoors and, in fact, was
Black Squirrel, Critter, SquirrelShagbark

I’ll admit it. I’m a cookie-dough freak. Even though I know full well that baked cookies taste really good, I just can’t resist digging into the bowl with a spare spoon and letting a gooey glob, gritty with sugar, slide down my gullet. If the dough happens to contain chocolate chips, look out; the oven’s
Hickory Nut, Shagbark, Squirrel