Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District March 8, 2013 After a week of winter weather, what could be more welcome than some signs of spring? The forecast calls for rain—not snow—and the clocks are changing tonight, so right off the
Ants and Plants

Here we are, not even halfway through April, but you wouldn’t know it by looking—at least not looking outside. Plant-wise and animal-wise too, things are far ahead of what we’ve come to think of as “normal” for this time of year. Woodland wildflower favorites that, in past years, were only in bud or just beginning
Ants, Plants, Seeds, SpringSigns of Spring

March 16, 2012 This past week has to be one for the record books—in terms of temperatures, for sure, but also in terms of the number of times I tried, and failed, to document for you the signs of spring that literally are all around us. The first attempt was on Tuesday. Walking out by
Nature, Season, SpringSpring

March 12, 2012 Even though this winter has been anything but wintry, I think it’s safe to say we’re all in the mood for spring. In honor of this spring-forward weekend, and to maybe take your mind off the hour you’re about to lose, try to find a few minutes to take in these undeniable
Nature, Season, SpringSpring Memo

Sometimes I feel like I’m the last one to get the memo. You know, the one that says, “Drop everything and get outside. Spring is here! With our new building, the Hickory Knolls Discovery Center, set to open at the end of April, it seems there is no end to the details that need attention.
Spring, Spring MemoSigns of Spring

How good are you at reading signs? Admittedly, some are easier to pick up on than others. Big red stop signs, for example, are pretty unmistakable (for most people, anyway.) Flashing neon can be hard to miss, too. But other signs are more subtle, even though they’re all around. And right now, we’re surrounded by
Nature, Season, SpringWorms

Let’s see…what’s the best way to put this? I’ve got worms. Now, before you start thinking that I’ve been eating raw meat or playing in a dirty sandbox, let me hasten to say that you, or someone you know, no doubt has worms too. Of course the worms we’re talking about here are the kind
Earthworms, Spring, WormsBackyard

Ever hear the old Billie Holiday song, Back In Your Own Backyard? It’s a catchy little tune with a refrain that reminds us, You’ll find your happiness lies Right under your eyes Back in your own backyard With spring finally upon us, now’s a great time take Lady Day’s advice and check out your local
Backyard, Spring, Trees