This bobcat is displaying both its ruff–the puffed-out fur around the cheeks–and ear tufts. Depending on the cat’s frame of mind, as well as individual variances, these characteristics may or may not be visible. (Photo credit: Sgarton at Spotting the elusive bobcat May 26, 2017 Bobcats have been on my mind lately, and apparently
Identifying Bobcats

Look for these elusive felines in woodlands, which are preferred for denning, and woodland edges and fields, which are used for hunting. (Photo credit: Dave Menke/USFWS) Identifying Bobcats April 28, 2017 Feral cats and even folks’ “outdoor” cats are an unfortunate part of our suburban landscape. According to data collected by the Smithsonian Conservation Biology
Animal, Bobcat, Cat, Spots