Every year about this time, the Good Natured World Headquarters staff starts fielding questions about tracks in the snow. And every other year or so…
Tracking Puzzle

January 16, 2015 Tracking Puzzel If you get up and out early, you might be lucky enough to follow a single animal’s tracks through pristine snow. However, well-traveled trails are more the norm in our suburban natural areas. Can you spot the wildlife sign amongst these many prints of boots and shoes? We all have
Animal Tracks, Hike, Snow, TrackingSubnivian

Can you say subnivian? Granted, it’s not the sort of word you’ll use every day. Or even every week. But it does happen to be a particularly appropriate topic here and now, given the sort of winter we’ve endured. Subnivian means “beneath the snow” and refers to the space that forms between the snow and
Beneath, Snow, Subnivian, Winter