Well, there’s no doubt, winter is here. And I’ll bet, if you’re a bird lover, your feeders are hung by the chimney, or wherever, with care. But when was the last time you filled your birdbath? Even though snow blankets the ground right now, and snow, after all, is just fluffy, flaky water, finding a
Signs of Spring

How good are you at reading signs? Admittedly, some are easier to pick up on than others. Big red stop signs, for example, are pretty unmistakable (for most people, anyway.) Flashing neon can be hard to miss, too. But other signs are more subtle, even though they’re all around. And right now, we’re surrounded by
Nature, Season, SpringPureFall

If you listen to the radio or watch TV much, you’ve probably noticed that tourism officials for the state of Michigan have picked 2009 as The Year to Spend A Lot on Advertising. You may even have noticed that they picked a famous resident to make the sales pitch—Tim Allen, of Home Improvement and Santa
Color, Fall, Season