As the days get longer and the sunshine gets stronger, aquatic turtles will be rousing from brumation—a cold-blooded creature’s equivalent of hibernation—and rising to the…
Box Turtles a Lifelong Commitment

Arthur the box turtle has lived as a pet since 1978 but his actual age is unknown.
Box Turtle, Reptile, TurtlesThe Truth About Snake Jaws
Brown Anoles
Don’t you just love life’s little surprises? You reach in your coat pocket and find a forgotten $5 bill. Yay! You run into an old…
Brown Anole, Lizard, Reptile, TropicalToads
Queen Snakes
Except for one time, nearly 35 years ago, when I found myself eating ice cream in a supermarket with Prince Andrew and his then-wife Sarah,…
Queen Snakes, Reptile, SnakeArtie the Turtle
The New Blanding’s Turtle Pond
Snakes in Fall

Fox snakes are locally common and, this time of year, sometimes turn up in garages, basements and crawlspaces. When agitated, they may shake their tails, a la rattlesnakes, but nonetheless are nonvenomous and provide free rodent control. Snakes in Fall November 17, 2017 We all have our dreams, such as fame or fortune. Mine, go
Fall, Reptile, Snakes