March 12, 2012 Even though this winter has been anything but wintry, I think it’s safe to say we’re all in the mood for spring. In honor of this spring-forward weekend, and to maybe take your mind off the hour you’re about to lose, try to find a few minutes to take in these undeniable

Pam’s Perspective Pam Otto is the Manager of Nature Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District If you’ve ever spent much time with a naturalist, you’ve likely noticed that we tend to live in our own little world. It’s a place where time stops when a rare bird flies overhead, or an
Naturalist, Nature, OutsideCam Deer

When I got home from work the other night, I found I had six text messages on my cell phone. Maybe some people are used to getting lots of texts but, for me, a mediocre texter at best, six messages means something big must have happened. Halfway expecting to read that someone was sick, or
Nature, White-Tailed DeerWheresthenature

You know what it’s like when you know where something’s supposed to be, but you just can’t seem to find it? For me it happens all the time with things like coffee cups and car keys. And nature. Take, for instance, a naturalist program I was involved with several years ago when I worked for
Bird, Eagle, Fly, NatureSigns of Spring

How good are you at reading signs? Admittedly, some are easier to pick up on than others. Big red stop signs, for example, are pretty unmistakable (for most people, anyway.) Flashing neon can be hard to miss, too. But other signs are more subtle, even though they’re all around. And right now, we’re surrounded by
Nature, Season, Spring