Ready, set, net! Learn about local streams as well as other area ecosystems during the year-long nature education program for adults, Kane County Certified Naturalists. Good Natured: Kane County Certified Naturalists November 30, 2018 When was the last time you looked-I mean realllllly looked-at the shape and size of a tree bud? Or paused to
Visit Pure Kane!

Try a visit to Pure Kane! Illinois is known as the Prairie State and has as much to offer as the state of Michigan, which has benefitted from Pure Michigan, a long-running ad campaign championed by actor Tim Allen. (Photo credit: Jeanette Joy) Visit Pure Kane! September 29, 2017 If you listen to the radio
Fall, Nature, SeasonSigns of Spring

Woodpecker species in our area have begun drumming, an annual sign that their breeding season has begun. The loud, staccato pounding is used to declare territory; it is distinctly different from the softer pecking sounds the birds create when excavating a nest cavity or foraging for food. Photo credit: Robert Burton, US Fish & Wildlife
Nature, Season, SpringYour Might Be a Naturalist If

Years ago, a thoughtful naturalist, or perhaps a naturalist with too much time on his or her hands, compiled a list of traits that typify us nature nerds. In the style of Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a redneck if …” the list read something like, “You might be a naturalist if … you have
Environment, Naturalist, NaturePositive Nature

June 16, 2015 Positive Nature It’s only a short loop, but the path in the Native Plant Garden at the Pottawatomie Community Center can lead to a journey of discovery. When was the last time you got something more than you bargained for … in a good way? I don’t mean to brag but, ahem,
Native Plant Garden, Nature, Pottawatomie Community CenterRecycling Nature

March 5, 2015 Recycling Nature Only a couple of sealed pupal cells remain inside this predated baldfaced hornets’ nest. The rest of the colony’s larvae were consumed by the animal that opened the nest and took advantage of the free, albeit frozen, food. I walked to work the other day. I know, not really earth-shattering
Nature, Recycle, ReuseSigns of Spring

How good are you at reading signs? I think most of us would agree that red octagons mean stop, yellow diamonds mean caution, and orange signs signal that everyone’s favorite season, road construction, has returned. But have you noticed that other signs too are popping up, right and left? They’re subtle, yet oddly familiar, and
Nature, Season, SpringSigns of Spring

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District March 8, 2013 After a week of winter weather, what could be more welcome than some signs of spring? The forecast calls for rain—not snow—and the clocks are changing tonight, so right off the
Nature, Season, SpringWild Things

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District February 8, 2013 Hands down, the outdoors is the best place to learn about nature and things wild. But sometimes, time spent indoors can be enlightening too. Last Saturday was Wild Things, an all-indoor
Conference, Nature, Wild ThingsSigns of Spring

March 16, 2012 This past week has to be one for the record books—in terms of temperatures, for sure, but also in terms of the number of times I tried, and failed, to document for you the signs of spring that literally are all around us. The first attempt was on Tuesday. Walking out by
Nature, Season, Spring