A member of the monarch super generation lets its wings fill with fluid after eclosing, or emerging, from its chrysalis. Barring any unforeseen difficulties, it should arrive at its overwintering grounds in Mexico in November. (Photo courtesy of Jill Voegtle) Raising Monarchs September 8, 2017 A few week s ago we alluded to the fact
The Green Darner

A female green darner rests in a characteristic pose. The “bullseye” mark at the front of the head is another way to identify this iconic dragonfly species. The Green Darner September 1, 2017 I got together with some friends the other night, and after a while the conversation turned to superheroes and, eventually, the movie
Bug, Green Darner, InsectMoths

Polyphemus moths are locally common in our area but rarely seen due to their nocturnal nature. Good Natured reader Lorayne Hrejsa recently captured this pair (Yes! There are two, if you look closely) exchanging greetings in her yard. Moths August 4, 2017 In the world of lepidopterans – the “scaly wings,” or butterflies and moths
Bug, Insect, Moth, Polyphemus MothBlack Witch Moth

The black witch moth is native to Central and South America but occasionally journeys northward. This individual, a female, was spotted a month ago at LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve in St. Charles. Black Witch Moth July 14, 2017 “The wind began to switch – the house to pitch And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch.
Black Witch Moth, Fly, Insect, MothTortoise Beetle

Tortoise beetle larvae protect themselves from predators by creating a shield of distasteful items collected on forked structures at the tip of the abdomen. Tortoise Beetle July 7, 2017 Thar’s gold in them thar hills! But hold on a sec. Before you run for your pans and pick axes, we should probably clarify a couple
Bug, Insect, Tortoise BeetleHoneybee Swarms

Honeybee swarms are colonies on the move. Swarming is the means by which honeybees propagate. Honeybee Swarms June 30, 2017 If you’ve ever moved to a new home, you know the tremendous amount of planning, preparation and coordination that must take place. A new home needs to be chosen, the old home needs to be
Bug, Hive, Honeybee, Insect, SwarmStoneflies

Stoneflies, even the common species, are increasingly hard to find these days. This juvenile, also called a nymph, was found underneath a rock in Ferson Creek at LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve in St. Charles. Stoneflies June 16, 2017 (Ed. Note: This column is the last of a three-part series on the Fox River’s famous, or
Bug, Insect, Stonefly NymphMayflies

An Ephemeridae mayfly rests next to its freshly cast skin. Mayflies are the only insects that experience a subimago, or sub adult, life stage in which they are winged and capable of flight but not fully mature. Mayflies June 9, 2017 (Ed. Note: This column is the second in a three-part series on the Fox
Bug, Insect, MayflyMourning Cloaks

Mourning cloak butterflies need to warm up to 50-plus degrees before they can fly. Their dark wings help absorb heat from the sun’s rays and make flight possible. (Photo credit: AcrylicArtist at MorgueFile.com) Mourning Cloaks May 5, 2017 Butterflies are easy. It’s a statement we naturalists make from time to time, and it refers to
Bug, Insect, Mourning CloakChinese Mantids

This time of year, Chinese mantid egg cases are pretty easy to find. Look for squarish forms, about the size, shape and color, of a toasted marshmallow, attached to plant stems in gardens and natural areas. Chinese Mantids March 3, 2017 I suppose we all have different ways of coping with winter doldrums. Even though
Bug, Insect, Mantid, Praying Mantis