Measuring right around 4 mm, or just over 1/8 in. in length, the polished or ‘spotless’ lady beetle is one of our area’s native ladybug…
Late-night Love with Long-horned Beetles

Two long-horned beetles found themselves attracted to the light, and each other, on a recent summer night. Good Natured: Late-night Love with Long-horned Beetles July 1, 2022 The other night, even though I was dog tired, I stepped outside for a bit of fresh air before bed. It’s a simple exercise, one I take part
Beetle, Insect, Long Horned BeetleBees, Wasps and Impostors!
Oh, bees. We think we know them, but do we really? A couple of recent incidents reminded me that bees-that familiar group of herbivorous and…
Bee, Bee-like Robber Fly, Insect, WaspMantidflies
We’ve all heard the saying, “Snug as a bug in a rug.” But this time of year I often find myself adding, “Some bugs are…
Froghopper, Insect, SpittlebugTiger Beetles
I’ve never, by any stretch of the imagination, been considered quick. I can’t dash, I don’t dart. In fact, the only time I recall moving…
Beetle, Insect, Tiger BeetlesCicada Killers
Full disclosure: This column originally ran in August 2012. I’d intended to run it again last week, as it seemed like it was time to…
Cicada Killer, Insect, WaspGreat Black Wasps
Back in the day of Saturday morning cartoons, one of the more memorable commercials (and one of the more annoying, if you ask my mom)…
Great Black Wasps, Insect, sting, WaspCrane Flies
Stag Beetles
The heady aroma of fine cigars. The rise and fall of male voices, punctuated with deep, booming laughter. It didn’t take a girl popping out…
Beetles, Insect, Lucanidae, Stag Beetles