Not flashy but fascinating just the same, diurnal fireflies fly during the daytime and inhabit moist fields and woodlands throughout our area.
Bobbi the Bee

‘Bobbi,’ an Andrena, or mining, bee took the long way home (another great road trip song!) the other day while out foraging for pollen and…
Andrena Mining Bee, Bee, InsectTwo-eyed Click Beetle

Measuring up to 1 3/4 in. and marked with prominent ‘eyes,’ the eyed click beetle can be found in mature oak woodlands throughout our area.…
Beetles, Insect, Two-Eyed Click BeetleHorned Spanworm

Looking very much like a creature from a Dr. Seuss story, the horned spanworm features odd structures known in entomological terms as ‘eversible tentacles.’
Caterpillar, Horned Spanworm, InsectPeaceable Pollinators

People can observe a wide variety of native bees without fear of being stung. Good Natured: Peaceable Pollinators April 21, 2023 Last week when we explored the life of Colletes, or cellophane bees, we saw how they are some of our area’s most beneficial insects. But there are many, many more. Somewhere between 400 and
Bee, Cellophane Bee, Fly, Insect, TunnelsCellophane Bees

Cellophane bee tunnels resemble ant hills, but the hole is larger, about the diameter of a pencil. Here a bee is seen exiting her excavation; a 2 5/8th-in. lip balm tube was used for scale. Good Natured: Cellophane Bees April 14, 2023 The other day I was at Delnor Woods Park in St. Charles, setting
Bee, Collete, Fly, InsectSnow Flies & Winter Crane Flies

Besides sharing the trait of being active in winter, these insects also share a common ancestor and are members of the insect infraorder Tipulomorpha. The…
Insect, Snow Fly, Winter Crane Fly‘Tis the Season for Little Green Men
Losing My Religiosa

European praying mantises can vary widely in color, from light tan to green, but the ‘bullseye’ on the inner surface of the front leg is…
Insect, Mantis, Praying Mantis