Sporting bare shafts where feathers once grew, Icarus the red-tailed hawk is in the process of recovering from a near-fatal encounter with a landfill flare. He is under the care of KARE, Kane Area Rehabilitation and Education for Wildlife, a rescue that has treated birds with similar injuries in the past. Good Natured: Icarus’s Road
Rough-legged Hawks

Its ‘poofy pants’ clearly visible, a rough-legged hawk takes off from a weathered perch.
Bird, Fly, Hawk, Rough-legged HawkCooper’s Hawks Leave the Nest

This young Cooper’s hawk can be identified by its immature plumage—a brown back, white breast with crisp brown streaks—as well as its light-colored eyes. Adult…
Bird, Cooper's Hawk, Fly, HawkYoung Redtail Hawks
Certain signs of fall are unmistakable. The changing colors of the leaves, the masses of migratory geese. And the persistent, almost petulant, calls of young…
Bird, Fly, Hawk, Redtail HawkSharp-Shinned Hawk…Maybe?

Labeled “sharp-shinned hawk” on a stock photography website, this photo actually may depict a male Cooper’s hawk. An informal Facebook poll yielded 12 votes for Cooper’s and 1 for sharp-shinned. But an expert from the Field Museum says the angle makes it hard to be 100% sure. What do you think? Sharp-Shinned Hawk…Maybe? February 9,
Bird, Cooper's Hawk, Fly, FlyHawk, HawkRed Tailed Hawk

February 7, 2014 Red-Tailed Hawk Remember The Far Side, those classic bits of natural history humor by cartoonist Gary Larson? One in particular showed three hawks in a tree. All had sunglasses on; one even was wearing headphones and clutching a Walkman in his talons. Below, the caption read, “Birds of prey know they’re cool.”
Bird, Fly, Hawk