Geneva, some of you might recall, has a bit of a history when it comes to owls. And no, I’m not talking about The Little…
Excitement on the Soccer Field
I’ll be the first to admit, soccer has not played a big part in my life. I remember playing in a few awkward games in…
Bird, Fly, Great Horned Owl, OwlGreat Horned Owl

Editor’s note: The following is a column that originally ran in January 2009: The conversation lasted late into the evening. A tiny sliver of a moon rose up, the stars came out … and still the participants persisted. They sounded determined, though more than a little repetitious: “Who’s awake? Me too!” “Wh-who’s awake? Me too!”
Bird, Great Horned Owl, OwlGHO

March 4, 2016 Great Horned Owl She’s ba-ack. Our neighbor, that is. The quiet one who keeps to herself. I don’t mean to sound like we’re disrespectful, or unobservant, but frankly it took us a while to notice her. Only within the past few weeks has it become apparent that, indeed, Mama Great Horned Owl
Bird, Great Horned Owl, Owl