A member of the bracket, or shelf, fungus family, turkey tails add a subtle hint of color to the late-fall woodland floor. Turkey Tails December 1, 2017 If turkey graced your holiday table last week, you know what this week means: The tail end of the bird. But rather than turkey soup, turkey a la
Giant Puffball

These giant puffballs range from small, about the size of a 16-inch softball, to medium, about the size of a volleyball, to large, about the size of a basketball. Giant Puffball November 10, 2017 Puffballs. At first glance, this word seems like it is describing pompons, or at least something fluffy. For instance, I once
Fungus, Mushrooms, PuffballCedar-Apple Fungus

Those blaze orange, oozy and gelatinous growths on cedar trees are perhaps the most obvious phase in the fascinating life cycle of cedar-apple fungus. (Photo credit: pippalou at MorgueFile.com) Cedar-Apple Fungus May 12, 2017 Regardless of how long you live somewhere, or how well you think you know your surroundings, you’re one day bound to
Cedar Tree, Cedar-Apple Fungus, FungusEar Butter

“Just add water.” Not only is that directive my favorite kind of recipe, it’s also the formula for springtime flora…and fungus. This past week’s rains have our woodland wildflowers—spring beauties, hepatica, twinleaf and bloodroot, to name a few—grabbing lots of attention in the Native Plant Garden at Pottawatomie Park. But a few astute visitors have
Ear Butter, Fungi, Fungus