Last week we took a look at the American robin, a bird regarded as a sign of spring but-confoundingly-has been popping up all over northern…
Mama Mallard

411111111111111111 I couldn’t believe my eyes. But there she was, smack dab in the middle of downtown St. Charles. A bona-fide Mother of the Year sitting with her nine half-grown offspring. Nine! They were near the Main Street bridge—below and a little to the south, actually—occupying a ledge by what used to be the Manor
Bird, Duck, MallardDucks

When was the last time you played Duck Duck Goose? Here in the park district’s naturalist office, it’s getting to be a regular occurrence. Only instead of the game’s traditional version, we’ve been playing it via phone and email: “Duck eggs in a garden,” said one caller. “Duck eggs by a school,” said another. “Goose
Duck, Duckling, Mallard