March 25, 2016 The virtues of moles Mole. It’s a word that has several meanings, depending on pronunciation and context. It can describe a skin growth; a spy; a unit of measurement in chemistry; or the national dish of Mexico. It’s also the common name for Scalopus aquaticus, an animal we’ve been talking about quite
Delnor Beaver

St. Charles is known for many things, not the least of which is Sculpture in the Park. Hosted by the St. Charles Park District, the annual event showcases sculptural arts in innovative fashion. Each summer, sculptors display their works among the scenery at Mt. St. Mary—the riverfront, the arboretum, the gazebo and water feature. It’s
Beavers, Critter, Dam, RiverSecret Identities

He might not be stronger than a locomotive, or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But somewhere out there in the DeKalb County countryside, there’s a chipmunk whose secret identity has finally been exposed. August 22, 2014 Secret Identities Secret identities. Our popular culture is full of them. Daily Planet reporter Clark
Chipmunk, Chippies, CritterLined Ground Squirrels

Though sometimes maligned for its burrowing and seed-hoarding habits, the thirteen-lined ground squirrel fulfills an important ecological niche. May 23, 2014 Lined Ground Squirrel “That’s not a chipmunk.” The astute visitor, wise beyond his 4 ½ years, stubbornly stood by his resolution, while his companions (people who, I’m guessing, were Grandma and Grandpa) tried to
Chipmunk, Critter, SquirrelBunnies

April 11, 2014 Bunnies With temperatures finally on the rise—well , til Monday anyway—the signs of spring are all around. Robins singing territory songs. Wildflowers poking up through the soil. A worm on the sidewalk. You’d think—as I did—that all these welcome indicators, wrapped up in a nice, 600-word package, would make for an enjoyable,
Bunny, Critter, RabbitBeavers

October 25, 2013 Beavers When it comes to conversation, and newspaper columns, certain topics are bound to cause a stir. Religion is one; politics is another. And then there are rodents. These furry, gnawing critters, famous for their ever-growing incisors and often impressive reproductive rates, never fail to provoke a response. Folks either say “Yay!”
Beavers, Critter, Dam, RiverSpiders

August 17, 2012 With a temperature forecast in the 70s today, it sure doesn’t feel much like August. But certain signs of the season are undeniable. Cicadas are buzzing, prairies are blooming and spiders, bless their little cardiac marks, are everywhere. Take a walk through any of the TriCity downtowns and you’ll see the work
Arachnid, Critter, SpidersMink

April 6, 2012 Last weekend, the St. Charles Park District held its annual Easter Egg Hunt at Pottawatomie Park. Thousands of eggs, hundreds of kids…a good, albeit chilly, time was had by all. While that egg hunt is over, another one is just beginning. We’re on the verge of waterfowl nesting season, and ducks and
Animal, Critter, MinkSpiders

Pam’s Perspective Pam Otto is the Manager of Nature Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District The other night my folks were over for dinner, and my dad happened to comment that The Sound of Music was going to be on television. After a few moments of musing at how and why
Arachnid, Critter, SpidersSquirrels

Over the past year and a half or so, when not chasing after snakes or bugs or paperwork, I’ve busied myself with a series of do-it-yourself home-improvement projects. There was last year’s Painting of the Bedroom, which took about two weeks to complete. Then came The Laying of the Laminate, an endeavor that involved the
Critter, Rodentia, Squirrels