This young Cooper’s hawk can be identified by its immature plumage—a brown back, white breast with crisp brown streaks—as well as its light-colored eyes. Adult…
Sharp-Shinned Hawk…Maybe?

Labeled “sharp-shinned hawk” on a stock photography website, this photo actually may depict a male Cooper’s hawk. An informal Facebook poll yielded 12 votes for Cooper’s and 1 for sharp-shinned. But an expert from the Field Museum says the angle makes it hard to be 100% sure. What do you think? Sharp-Shinned Hawk…Maybe? February 9,
Bird, Cooper's Hawk, Fly, FlyHawk, HawkCoopersHawk

November 29, 2013 Coopers Hawk If you sat down to a turkey dinner this week, count yourself in the majority. According to a Turkey Quiz recently circulated by Kane County Audubon (thanks Bob Andrini!), 90% of American homes serve turkey on Thanksgiving Day. These folks, present company included, help account for the 45 million turkeys
Bird, Cooper's Hawk, Fly