Secret identities. Our popular culture is full of them. Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent takes off his glasses, dons a cape and then, faster than…
Secret Identities

He might not be stronger than a locomotive, or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But somewhere out there in the DeKalb County countryside, there’s a chipmunk whose secret identity has finally been exposed. August 22, 2014 Secret Identities Secret identities. Our popular culture is full of them. Daily Planet reporter Clark
Chipmunk, Chippies, CritterLined Ground Squirrels

Though sometimes maligned for its burrowing and seed-hoarding habits, the thirteen-lined ground squirrel fulfills an important ecological niche. May 23, 2014 Lined Ground Squirrel “That’s not a chipmunk.” The astute visitor, wise beyond his 4 ½ years, stubbornly stood by his resolution, while his companions (people who, I’m guessing, were Grandma and Grandpa) tried to
Chipmunk, Critter, SquirrelChipmunk

Even though the corn and soybeans are still green in the field, some local harvests have already begun. Need proof? Just check out the chipmunks. For some time now these industrious rodents have been taking advantage of the season’s bounty of ripe fruits and seeds. But then again, they take advantage of the bounty of
Chipmunk, Chippies, Critter