This fledgling chimney swift was among a group of seven rescued swifts that recently joined a Geneva, IL, flock. Soon these birds and thousands of…
Chimney Swifts – Part 2
Last week we relayed the story of two young chimney swifts who found themselves in a spot of trouble, and the people who came to…
Bird, Chimney Swift, FlyChimney Swifts
The other night around 8:30 my phone started blowing up with texts that, at that moment, were going to have to go unanswered. I was…
Bird, Chimney Swift, FlyChimney Swifts

September 27, 2013 Chimney Swifts If the answer is “Flying cigars,” what do you suppose the question might be? If you said something involving George Burns, Groucho Marx and an airplane, you’re gifted (or burdened) with the same weird sense of humor I have…but you’d be incorrect. A more suitable response, at least here, in
Bird, Chimney Swift, Fly