Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District August 23, 2013 When was the last time you saw a little green man? For me, it was last Saturday. I was walking through the Hickory Knolls savanna when something small and bright caught
Crane Flies
Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District June 21, 2013 The other night a large, mosquito-like insect was flying around the kitchen. I waited until it landed, then let it outside. Not five minutes later, I spotted another. Out it went,
Bug, Crane Flies, InsectSix-Spotted Tiger Beetle
Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District May 17, 2013 I’ve never, by any stretch of the imagination, been considered quick. I can’t dash, I don’t dart. In fact, the only time I recall moving with any speed at all was
Beetle, Bug, Insect, Six-Spotted BeetleStinkbugs
September 28, 2012 Stink. Rarely does this word inspire confidence or garner support. But sometimes, it’s just what a garden needs. The other day my cell phone buzzed, signaling that I had received a text message. It was from my friend Tim, a.k.a. Park Safety Officer Tim Timberlake. Gifted with an eye for the out-of-the-ordinary,
Bug, Insect, StinkbugsEastern Cicada Killer
1 Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District August 10, 2012 I don’t know if there’s any other group of animals that provides as much excitement, milligram for milligram, as the Class Insecta. Think about it. Even though they’re small—the biggest
Bug, Cicada, InsectStag Beetles
Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District July 19, 2012 The heady aroma of fine cigars. The rise and fall of male voices, punctuated with deep, booming laughter. It didn’t take a girl popping out of a cake to tell us,
Bug, Insect, Stag BeetlesPraying Mantis
Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District July 5, 2012 Whoever said parenting is not for sissies knew exactly what he, or she, was talking about. I know this because I’ve recently taken on the completely self-imposed challenge of life in
Bug, Insect, Praying MantisRed Velvet Mites
Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District June 14, 2012 Lots of things happen on the trails in the Hickory Knolls Natural Area. Chipmunks and 13-lined ground squirrels sometimes choose these open areas to dig their burrows. Killdeer have used them
Bug, Insect, Red Velvet MitesKatydids
Long ago, the story goes, a newlywed couple was found murdered in their beds. Although the crime was never solved, the primary suspect was the bride’s sister Katy. And to this day, so they say, Kate’s fate is debated by one of summer’s most famous singing insects: “Katy did.” “Katy didn’t.” “Yes she did.” “No
Bug, Insect, KatydidBox Elder
Pam’s Perspective Pam Otto is the Manager of Nature Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District Fall in Kane County can be pretty spectacular. Birds are migrating south and, oooh! We’re getting glimpses of species we don’t normally get to see. The leaves on the trees are changing and, aaah! Just look
Box Elder, Bug, Insect