May 15, 2015 Hoppers I’m not sure who started the trend, or when. But over the past year or so, primarily on Facebook and other social media, I’ve seen several instances of adults recreating the photos they posed in as children. Some are better than others; in fact there are a few–like the three brothers
Click Beetle
April 24, 2015 Click Beetle Ampedus nigricollis is just one of several species of click beetle present in Kane County. The insects belong to the family Elateridae, a name derived from the Greek word elat.r meaning ‘driver, or hurler’, a reference to the beetles’ way of hurling into the air when they click. Did you
Bug, Click Beetle, InsectGrapevine Beetles
August 15, 2014 Grapevine Beetles Grown-up grubs: These male grapevine beetles (Pelidnota punctata), shown here feeding on their namesake plant, bear little resemblance to what they looked like as larvae. Ah, babies. Dontcha just love ’em? Over the course of a year, hundreds of babies, and their parents (or grandparents), come through the doors at
Bug, Grapevine Beetles, InsectStoneflies
Stoneflies, even the common species, are increasingly hard to find these days. This juvenile, also called a nymph, was found underneath a rock in Ferson Creek at LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve in St. Charles. July 3, 2014 Stoneflies It may seem, at first glance, that our Fox River Bugs are a pretty homogenous bunch. I
Bug, Insect, StoneflyUnderwings
June 6, 2014 Underwing moths are named for their brightly colored hindwings, which typically are kept hidden until the moth takes flight. Underwings Seeing as it’s June, the most popular month for weddings, it seems fitting that we talk about … moths. I’m sure you’re probably thinking, “Moths? Eww. Aren’t they the critters that eat
Bug, Insect, Moth, UnderwingsSpittle Bugs
May 30, 2014 Spittlebugs are a sign that summer will soon be here. Look for these tiny insects, encased in white blobs of bubbles, on the stems of common plants like goldenrod and clover. Spittle Bugs We’ve all heard the saying, “Snug as a bug in a rug.” But this time of year I often
Bug, Insect, Spittle BugMantids
March 21, 2014 Mantids I’m sure we can all relate to the expression, “too much of a good thing.” With St. Patrick’s Day still in recent memory, some of us may regret consuming too much corned beef and cabbage. Or green beer, as the case may be. The excesses of Fat Tuesday aren’t too far
Bug, Insect, MantidRoaches
November 22, 2013 Roaches It’s the season for gratitude, a time of year when people make a special effort to list the things for which they are thankful. As much as I wish this attitude would extend throughout the year (just like I wish folks would make every day an Earth Day) it’s still good
Bug, Insect, RoachCentipedes
Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District September 13, 2013 It was an “Eek!” heard round the world. Or at least in every corner of our humble campus abode. My college roommate Alisan, one of three people I shared the apartment
Bug, Centipede, InsectLong Horned Beetle
Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District August 30, 2013 Last Monday night, even though I was dog tired, I stepped outside for a bit of fresh air before bed. It’s a simple exercise, one I take part in frequently, and
Beetle, Bug, Insect, Long Horned Beetle