This temporarily flightless male red-tailed hawk, which last fall encountered a landfill flare, displays what’s left of his tail. He is currently receiving care via KARE, Kane Area Rehabilitation and Education for Wildlife, in St. Charles. Good Natured: Landfill Flares Burn Birds April 28, 2023 Alrighty Good Natured readers, show of hands: As a child
Every Day Can Be Christmas
A Bird Eat Bird World
Bird Tracking
Eruption or Irruption?
Turkey Vultures
Turkey vultures are the sorts of birds that command attention. For one, they’re VULTURES-dark-feathered and hunchbacked, they look vaguely creepy even under the best of…
Birds, Fly, Turkey VultureBirds flock to Hickory Knolls

Screech owls prefer to roost in spots like tree cavities, which offer protection from the elements. Birders need sharp eyes, and a little luck, to spot these beautiful birds. Birds flock to Hickory Knolls February 2, 2018 When we lead a nature program on the Hickory Knolls grounds, some things are a given. We know
Birds, Feather, FlyYellow Bellied Sapsuckers

April 15, 2016 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers Springtime means—finally—warmer temperatures along with visits from a host of migrating birds, including yellow-bellied sapsuckers. Please enjoy this column, which first ran in April 2010. My dad was a big fan of the 1950s sitcom The Honeymooners. (So big a fan, in fact, that when he began seeing my mom,
Birds, Fly, Spring, Yellow Bellied SapsuckersMourning Doves

April 8, 2016 Mourning Doves A few weeks ago at Hickory Knolls we held a program called SuperHeroes of Nature. We looked at how real-life turtles’ talents compare to those of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; how the special skills of spiders stack up against Spiderman’s superpowers; and how bats’ ability to echolocate rivals any aspect
Birds, Fly, Mourning Doves