Coming Soon!

Driving along Peck Road the other day, a merry band of naturalists spotted a TV dinner on the pavement. Even better, the TV was right next to it! Now, before visions of Swanson’s Salisbury Steak and a Sony flatscreen start dancing in your head, hold on. The dinner we discovered was a dead raccoon, and
Bird, Scavenger, Turkey VultureNest

Whether you spend a lot of time outdoors, or if you simply remember the old Chiffon margarine commercials from the 1970s, you know that “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.” But maybe, just maybe, it’s sometimes okay to give her a helping hand. Last week’s windy weather brought just such an opportunity. It was
Bird, Nest, RobinCowbird

Maybe I spent too much time in front of the TV as a kid but, when spring comes, I can’t help but think of Baby Huey. Remember him? Large but lovable, the gi-normous duckling starred in many cartoons during the 1950s and ’60s. Throughout his assorted escapades the sight gag was always the same: giant
Bird, Cowbird, NestRobins

Even if you’re one of those folks who believes the outdoors exists only to make the indoors more inviting, I’ll bet you noticed the robins. Their numbers started going up at the beginning of March and, by last week, little doubt existed that our quintessential sign of spring had returned. It’s true, the bluebirds and
American Robin, Bird, RobinsNo. Shrike

Citizens of Kane, beware: There are butcher birds in our midst! That’s right folks—Lanius excubitor has come to our fair land. But instead of running for cover, you might instead want to gear up and go outside. Grab your binoculars and maybe a camera, and head to a nearby natural area to try and catch
Bird, Butcher Bird, Shrike