With egg-laying season just around the corner, American mink will be out and about, hunting for active waterfowl nests. Good Natured: Mink-n-Eggs March 24, 2023 Next weekend, April 1, the St. Charles Park District will hold its annual Easter Egg Hunt at Pottawatomie Park. Thousands of eggs, hundreds of kids. A sugar-fueled good time will
Kane County Badgers
Muskrat Rites
Fox vs. Coyote
Spotting the elusive bobcat

This bobcat is displaying both its ruff–the puffed-out fur around the cheeks–and ear tufts. Depending on the cat’s frame of mind, as well as individual variances, these characteristics may or may not be visible. (Photo credit: Sgarton at MorgueFile.com) Spotting the elusive bobcat May 26, 2017 Bobcats have been on my mind lately, and apparently
Animal, Bobcat, Cat, SpotsIdentifying Bobcats

Look for these elusive felines in woodlands, which are preferred for denning, and woodland edges and fields, which are used for hunting. (Photo credit: Dave Menke/USFWS) Identifying Bobcats April 28, 2017 Feral cats and even folks’ “outdoor” cats are an unfortunate part of our suburban landscape. According to data collected by the Smithsonian Conservation Biology
Animal, Bobcat, Cat, SpotsBadger

At the end of last week’s column, the reputation of a certain local naturalist was in tatters. She’d mistaken a dead raccoon, one of our area’s most common roadkills, for a badger, a mammal that is rarely seen in Kane County. Little did she know, though, that badgers were alive and well—and reproducing, even, just
Animal, Badger, Mammal, Ring-Tailed BadgerCoyotes Connect The Dots

January 29, 2016 Connect the Dots-Creating a Paradise for Coyotes When was the last time you played Connect the Dots? I remember Grandma Erickson giving me a book of those kid-friendly puzzles, and spending hours under her dining room table–the best place to play, when you’re four–trying to find the “1,” then the “2,” and
Animal, Coyote, MammalCoyotes

April 4, 2014 Photo Provided by Trudy Heinlein Coyotes “Ewe’s not fat, ewe’s just fluffy!” This statement, a supportive slogan for snackers everywhere, made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it on a neighbor’s refrigerator magnet. I could practically hear the sheep pictured there cheering me on as I reached for another
Animal, Coyote, MammalRed Fox

Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District July 13, 2012 Through the years, many words have been used to describe our friend the fox: Sly. Crafty. Clever. But lately there’s a new word that’s been added to our Vulpes vocabulary: Unfazed. In last week’s column
Animal, Fox, Red Fox