A cabin in the Northwoods, amid a mixed conifer-hardwood forest, is the perfect place to attempt a variety of retirement pursuits. At the top of…
The Long Goodbye Part 1

The return of bald eagles to Kane County was one of several nature news events that occurred over the last 25 years.
Oriental Bittersweet

Oriental bittersweet’s large quantities of fruit grow from the leaf axils of the vine and are strung out along the stems. Remembering the phrase, ‘Strung…
Woodpeckers Rapping

Where woodpeckers excavate on houses depends on a number of factors: the condition of the wood; if insects are present; whether cracks, crevices or knotholes…
Cooper’s Taxonomy

The Cooper’s hawk, left, and sharp-shinned hawk look very similar but, it turns out, are not as closely related as once thought. Cooper’s hawk photo by M. Leonard Photography; sharp-shinned photo by mirceax. November 22, 2024 I remember exactly where I was when I read the news. I was sitting in the waiting room at
Fall Kinglets

Less boldly marked than their golden-crowned cousins, the ruby-crowned kinglet does have a noticeable white eye ring and wing bar. However only males bear the…
Asian Ladybugs

Native to eastern Asia, multicolored Asian lady beetles were introduced in the United States as a means of biological insect control. These days they can…
Certified Naturalists

Kane County Certified Naturalist Sue Mikowski takes an up-close look at the keeled scales of a water snake during a KCCN field trip.
Potter Wasps

This earthen pot, smaller than a dime, is the work of a Eumenes potter wasp. The open hole indicates this nest is empty; a nest…
TV Dinners

A turkey vulture–TV for short–warily guards its dinner. The bird’s nearly naked head is an adaptation to its diet, which consists mainly of carrion.