I know exactly where I was the moment I got hooked on the sport of birdwatching, a.k.a. birding. I was standing on a gravelly point off of Wildlife Drive, the main thoroughfare through the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island, FL, peering through binoculars at a group of roseate spoonbills. Above them,

Anybody remember the song, “The Boys Are Back in Town,” by the Irish rock band Thin Lizzy? As I recall, it came out in the mid-1970s and described the actions of a gang of tough guys that were, well, back in town, presumably after a prolonged absence. Guess what? The boys are back in town
Bird, Fly, Red-winged black birdSong Sparrows

“Sweet, sweet, sweet…blah blah blah blah blah blah.” “Sweet, sweet, sweet…blah blah blah blah blah blah.” “Sweet, sweet, sweet…blah blah blah blah blah blah.” Sound familiar? No, it’s not the talk of an over-sugared someone craving yet another dessert (though I think I did babble something similar once after eating a dozen glazed donuts). (And
Bird, Fly, Song SparrowsSigns of Spring

How good are you at reading signs? Admittedly, some are easier to pick up on than others. Big red stop signs, for example, are pretty unmistakable (for most people, anyway.) Flashing neon can be hard to miss, too. But other signs are more subtle, even though they’re all around. And right now, we’re surrounded by
Nature, Season, SpringSquirrel Mating

Have you noticed what’s up with squirrels lately? Only a week or so back, they were hopping about in minimalist survival mode: foraging; keeping an eye out for predators; and in general trying to stay as warm and dry as their furry little bodies—and fluffy tail-that-doubles-as-a-blanket-and-umbrella—would let them. But, boy, things sure have changed these
Critters, Mating, SquirrelEvergreens

There’s one in every neighborhood. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the place on the block that’s always hopping—comings and goings at all hours, a near-constant stream of traffic in and out. Sometimes, as you walk by, you might even be able to hear the indistinct chatter that emanates from…your local evergreen. Bedecked in
Evergreen, Tree, WinterSquirrels

St. Charles Park District Nature News – January 29 Have you noticed what’s up with squirrels lately? Only a week or so back, they were hopping about in minimalist survival mode: foraging; keeping an eye out for predators; and in general trying to stay as warm and dry as their furry little bodies—and fluffy tail-that-doubles-as-a-blanket-and-umbrella—would
Critters, SquirrelOpossums

St. Charles Park District Nature News – January 22 I can still picture the old photograph that hung in my folks’ hallway when I was growing up. It dated to around 1870 and showed my mom’s Great Grandfather and Grandmother Heyen, along with their daughters Martha, Tildie, Katie and Rachel, decked out in somber black
Animal, Critter, OpossumTarantula

We had a little discord in the naturalist department a while back, something I suppose was bound to happen eventually. Our staff is small, and our work space is limited. It was inevitable that, one day, someone would move somebody else’s stuff around and trigger some resentment. Thankfully, the conflict was short-lived. Even better, it’s
Arachnid, Spider, TarantualFranklin Creek

Sometimes the best plan is to have no plans. Take last weekend, for example. My friend Jessi and I had “planned”—as much as we ever plan anything—to head out for a hike at White Pines State Park in Oregon, IL. Neither of us had been there in a long time, the trails there are nice,
Franklin Creek, Hiking, Park