Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District July 26, 2012 This year promises to be big for gardeners. Plenty of rain along with a few steamy days of what my grandfather the farmer used to call “good growing weather” have made
Stag Beetles

Pam’s Perspective From the… C:\Users\selm\Desktop\P1030492.JPG Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District July 19, 2012 The heady aroma of fine cigars. The rise and fall of male voices, punctuated with deep, booming laughter. It didn’t take a girl popping out of a cake to tell
Beetles, Bugs, InsectsQueen Snake

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District July 12, 2012 Except for one time, 25 years ago, when I found myself eating ice cream in a supermarket with Prince Andrew and his then-wife Sarah, the Duchess of York, my brushes with
Queen Snake, Reptile, SnakeManny

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District July 5, 2012 Whoever said parenting is not for sissies knew exactly what he, or she, was talking about. I know this because I’ve recently taken on the completely self-imposed challenge of life in
Manny, Mantid, Praying MantisGlowworm

Pam’s Perspective C:\Users\selm\Desktop\Glowworm Phengodes.jpg From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District June 28, 2013 Life at Hickory Knolls is filled with many bright spots, small discoveries and tiny triumphs that make our outlook just a little bit sunnier. Like the day last week
Firefly, Glow, Glowworm, Lightning BugsCrane Flies

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District June 21, 2013 The other night a large, mosquito-like insect was flying around the kitchen. I waited until it landed, then let it outside. Not five minutes later, I spotted another. Out it went,
Bug, Crane Flies, InsectTurtles

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District June 7, 2013 Over the past three or four weeks, we’ve gotten several calls about turtles. Turtles wandering through back yards. Turtles wandering through front yards. A turtle that, at first glance, appeared to
Reptile, Shell, TurtlesCrayfish

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District May 24, 2013 Who doesn’t love a good berry? Strawberries! Raspberries! Blueberries! Crayfish? Yep, it’s crayfish-berry season in Kane County. Or, more correctly, it’s the season Kane County crayfish are “in berry.” Every year
Aquatic Invader, Crayfish, RustySix-Spotted Tiger Beetle

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District May 17, 2013 I’ve never, by any stretch of the imagination, been considered quick. I can’t dash, I don’t dart. In fact, the only time I recall moving with any speed at all was
Beetle, Bug, Insect, Six-Spotted BeetleTicks

Pam’s Perspective From the… Pam Otto is the Manager of Natural Programs and Interpretive Services for the St. Charles Park District May 31, 2013 To paraphrase Abe Lincoln, you can’t fool all the people all the time, but if you want to gross ’em out, every time, you only have to mention one word. Ticks.
Bugs, Insects, Ticks