June 13, 2014 Also known as ‘River Bugs,’ caddisflies periodically emerge en masse from the Fox River and its tributaries. Their larvae live underwater for up to a year, and frequently are used as indicators of aquatic ecosystem Caddis Thousands of people flocked last weekend to St. Charles’ annual extravaganza, Pride of the Fox RiverFest.
June 6, 2014 Underwing moths are named for their brightly colored hindwings, which typically are kept hidden until the moth takes flight. Underwings Seeing as it’s June, the most popular month for weddings, it seems fitting that we talk about … moths. I’m sure you’re probably thinking, “Moths? Eww. Aren’t they the critters that eat
Bug, Insect, Moth, UnderwingsSpittle Bugs
May 30, 2014 Spittlebugs are a sign that summer will soon be here. Look for these tiny insects, encased in white blobs of bubbles, on the stems of common plants like goldenrod and clover. Spittle Bugs We’ve all heard the saying, “Snug as a bug in a rug.” But this time of year I often
Bug, Insect, Spittle BugLined Ground Squirrels
Though sometimes maligned for its burrowing and seed-hoarding habits, the thirteen-lined ground squirrel fulfills an important ecological niche. May 23, 2014 Lined Ground Squirrel “That’s not a chipmunk.” The astute visitor, wise beyond his 4 ½ years, stubbornly stood by his resolution, while his companions (people who, I’m guessing, were Grandma and Grandpa) tried to
Chipmunk, Critter, SquirrelMillipede
May 16, 2014 Millipede “What the…?!” If I had a dime for every time I’ve uttered that phrase in wonder at some “new” creature or feature of nature… Well, let’s just say I’d have a lot of dimes. Better still, thanks to a critter that crossed my path earlier this week, I’d be 10 cents
Giant Millipede, Iron Worm, MillipedeFurrow Spider
May 9, 2014 Furrow Spider I don’t think Mother Goose will mind if I paraphrase her work just a bit: “Along came a spider So I sat down beside her And frightened Miss Spider away!” Typically, when one encounters a spider outside in springtime, the creature is teensy. Actually, I believe the technical term is
Arachnid, Furrow Spider, SpiderGrubs
April 25, 2014 Grubs The English language contains some pretty lovely sounding words: Ebullience. Effervescent. Epiphany. Each term features a delectable combination of vowels and consonants that virtually sparkle as they roll off the tongue, bringing with them emotions and images that are bright and uplifting. Then we have the opposite end of the spectrum.
Garden, Grubs, LawnPhoebe
April 18, 2014 Phoebe Throughout these many months of cold we have endured, I’ve tried to help my winter-weary friends stay positive. After every new dump of snow I’d point out, in what I hoped was a sunshiny voice, “Hey, at least there are no mosquitoes.” When another blast of arctic chill would blow in
Bird, Fly, PhoebeBunnies
April 11, 2014 Bunnies With temperatures finally on the rise—well , til Monday anyway—the signs of spring are all around. Robins singing territory songs. Wildflowers poking up through the soil. A worm on the sidewalk. You’d think—as I did—that all these welcome indicators, wrapped up in a nice, 600-word package, would make for an enjoyable,
Bunny, Critter, RabbitCoyotes
April 4, 2014 Photo Provided by Trudy Heinlein Coyotes “Ewe’s not fat, ewe’s just fluffy!” This statement, a supportive slogan for snackers everywhere, made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it on a neighbor’s refrigerator magnet. I could practically hear the sheep pictured there cheering me on as I reached for another
Animal, Coyote, Mammal