Small bordering on teensy, Tapinoma sessile measures just under 1/8-in. in length. Pictured here next to a toothpick, it’s an ant that shows up regularly…
Ross’s Goose
Smaller than most geese, the Ross’s goose is an unusual sighting in Kane County. Photo courtesy of Gordon Garcia.
Aberrant Coloration
This hairy woodpecker, identified by the size of its bill rather than its plumage, this winter has been an infrequent visitor to a birdfeeder in…
With big claws and an attitude to match, the rusty crayfish was brought to Illinois intentionally for use as fishing bait. It then hitched around…
Esther Duncan Snail
Having hitched a ride to Illinois from California, and despite a fractured shell, this snail is now living comfortably in a terrarium in DeKalb County.
Marcescent Oak
Marcescence not only is a great word, but also an interesting phenomenon to observe in the winter landscape.
European Starlings
New Year’s Resolutions
Gift Ideas
If you’ve got a naturalist on your gift list, there’s still time to track down some of these tried-and-true favorites, including pants with pockets, lip…
Milkweed Floss
The fluff in this photo is milkweed floss, carried up to a vacated bird nest by an industrious mouse. Buoyant, soft and water resistant, milkweed…