This summer’s rains have left a host of lingering effects, including robust gardens, mosquitoes and fuddles. If you’re like most folks, you’re probably enjoying the beauty and bounty of that first result and slapping and cursing the second. But unless you’re a birder, you’re likely scratching your head at the third. A fuddle, or fluddle,

August 5, 2016 Dragonflies & Damselflies It’s been said, by more than one starry-eyed romantic, on more than one occasion, that love makes the world go ’round. After much research, and thorough observation, I’m about ready to agree—but with one tiny caveat. Rather than ’round, I’d say the world actually goes round—no apostrophe needed. Because
Bug, Dragonfly, InsectDamselflies Dragon Wheels

It’s been said, by more than one starry-eyed romantic, on more than one occasion, that love makes the world go ’round. After much research, and thorough observation, I’m about ready to agree—but with one tiny caveat. Rather than ’round, I’d say the world actually goes round—no apostrophe needed. Because rather than a preposition, I’m talking
Bug, Damselflies, Dragonflies, InsectCamo Looper

Do you remember when you first were allowed to dress yourself? Oh the freedom! The thrill! The independence to wear your favorite stripes, plaids and floral patterns, individually or all at once. It didn’t really matter whether the articles matched; the main thing was that you’d picked them out and put them on all by
Camo Looper, Inchworm, MothMama Mallard

411111111111111111 I couldn’t believe my eyes. But there she was, smack dab in the middle of downtown St. Charles. A bona-fide Mother of the Year sitting with her nine half-grown offspring. Nine! They were near the Main Street bridge—below and a little to the south, actually—occupying a ledge by what used to be the Manor
Bird, Duck, MallardDiurnal Fireflies

Last week we took a Good-Natured look at fireflies, those flashy stars that light up our warm summer nights. We talked about their life cycle, how to tell males from females, and mentioned a few of the more common species that can be found in our area. But what we didn’t touch upon–in fact, what
Bug, Diurnal Firefly, Firefly, InsectFireflies

For the past three weeks or so—since 5:34 p.m. on Monday June 20– it’s officially been summer. Unofficially, it’s also firefly mating season, a last hurrah for these insects that have spent most of the last year or two under rocks and logs, living as predacious larvae that feed on earthworms, slugs and other invertebrates.
Bug, Firefly, InsectCrab Spiders

It’s not often that you hear the words exquisite, pink, and camouflage come together in a sentence. It’s even rarer when “spider” is added to the narrative. But that’s exactly what happened during a recent walk at Fermilab when our group, gathered to learn about local bees, encountered a member of Thomisidae, the crab spiders.
Arachnid, Crab Spider, SpiderHackberry Emperor Lucky Shirt

I would imagine most of us, if asked, would admit to owning something we deem lucky. It might be a classic good-luck charm, like a horseshoe, a rabbit’s foot or a four-leaf clover. Me? I have a lucky shirt. When I bought it, over 15 years ago at an Eddie Bauer store in Rockford, I
Butterfly, Hackberry Emperor, InsectRed Winged Blackbird Behavior

Every year about this time, certain wild neighbors start making headlines. Their behavior gets labeled aggressive, and people start calling them jerks—or worse. Inevitably, someone will make an analogy to Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, and then all heck breaks loose. “It tried to peck my eyes out!” someone will cry. “Scared the living [daylights] outta
Bird, Fly, Red-winged black bird