A male red-bellied woodpecker takes advantage of the free buffet at the Hickory Knolls birdfeeders. Offering a variety of seeds, in a variety of feeder styles–tube, platform, hopper, suet–will in turn attract a variety of species. Choosing Birdseed November 24, 2017 November typically is the time folks send out invitations for holiday gatherings, be they
Snakes in Fall

Fox snakes are locally common and, this time of year, sometimes turn up in garages, basements and crawlspaces. When agitated, they may shake their tails, a la rattlesnakes, but nonetheless are nonvenomous and provide free rodent control. Snakes in Fall November 17, 2017 We all have our dreams, such as fame or fortune. Mine, go
Fall, Reptile, SnakesGiant Puffball

These giant puffballs range from small, about the size of a 16-inch softball, to medium, about the size of a volleyball, to large, about the size of a basketball. Giant Puffball November 10, 2017 Puffballs. At first glance, this word seems like it is describing pompons, or at least something fluffy. For instance, I once
Fungus, Mushrooms, PuffballWhite-throated Sparrow

White-throated sparrows can be identified by their distinctive song, or by the following field marks: A striped head and bright white patch under the throat, along with a streaky or smudgy gray breast. White-throated Sparrow November 3, 2017 Poor Sam Peabody… Peabody… Peabody. I don’t know Mr. Peabody and have no idea of what events
Bird, Fly, White Throated SparrowHelping Pollinators Survive the Winter

The St. Charles Park District, in its efforts to support native pollinators, erected this bee house early this summer. It is located behind the Hickory Knolls Discovery Center. The structure was immediately adopted by a number of native bees. You can make a smaller version of this house by stuffing native plant stems into a
Bee, Butterfly, Moth, Pollinators, WaspsBur Oak Trees

Bur oak trees are known for their large acorns as well as their thick and fire-resistant bark that helps protect them during prairie and savanna fires. The oaks pictured, from the savanna behind Hickory Knolls, are all over 100 years old and still going strong. Bur Oak Trees October 20, 2017 Maybe, as an alert
Acorns, Bur Oak, TreeBrown Snakes

Midland brown snakes are quite common throughout the TriCities but rarely seen due to their small size and secretive nature. Brown Snakes October 13, 2017 I would guess that pretty much all of us have heard the cautionary tale of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. But how many people have heard about the Itsy Bitsy Snakes?
Brown Snake, Reptile, SnakePredatory Stink Bugs

The two-spotted stink bug is quite different from the introduced brown marmorated stink bug currently plaguing the TriCities. Our two-spotted friend actually is a predator and should be welcomed to gardens throughout the area. Its favored prey is potato beetles. Predatory Stink Bugs October 6, 2017 Stink. It’s a word on everyone’s mind these days,
Bug, Insect, Stink BugsVisit Pure Kane!

Try a visit to Pure Kane! Illinois is known as the Prairie State and has as much to offer as the state of Michigan, which has benefitted from Pure Michigan, a long-running ad campaign championed by actor Tim Allen. (Photo credit: Jeanette Joy) Visit Pure Kane! September 29, 2017 If you listen to the radio
Fall, Nature, SeasonViceroy Butterfly

Do you see monarchs mating? Look again! These two butterflies are viceroys, distinguished from monarchs by the dark line across the hindwing. Look for this species in moist areas where willows grow. Viceroy Butterfly September 22, 2017 A couple of weeks ago we took a look at the current darling of the butterfly world, the
Butterfly, Caterpillar, Insect, Viceroy