“Kill-deer!” “Kill-deer! Kill-deer! Kill-deer!” Yep, there’s no doubt. The killdeer have returned. These medium-sized birds, members of the plover family, are famous for their namesake…
The American Woodcock
Thursday evening it was business as usual at Hickory Knolls. I was heading out toward the picnic shelter to set up for a campfire and…
American Woodcock, Bird, FlyExcitement on the Soccer Field
I’ll be the first to admit, soccer has not played a big part in my life. I remember playing in a few awkward games in…
Bird, Fly, Great Horned Owl, OwlThe New Blanding’s Turtle Pond
The Salamander and the New Tail

The tiger salamander on the left displays a tail of normal length. The salamander on the right is in the process of regenerating its tail following an infection. Look closely to see the newly formed tip peeking out at the end. The Salamander and the New Tail March 16, 2018 It’s come to my attention
Amphibian, Salamander, SalliesLitter waiting to land

Balloons, whether let go by accident or as part of an organized release, quickly transition from colorful orbs of whimsy to ugly litter. Litter waiting to land March 9, 2018 One fine spring day in 1970-something, when I was in fourth grade, our teacher gave us a writing assignment. We were learning about geography, as
Balloons, Latex, LitterNorthern Flickers

Although they are members of the woodpecker family, northern flickers differ from their cousins in various ways. Flickers prefer to forage on the ground and, as shown here, often perch instead of clinging to the sides of trees. They also have some of the longest tongues in bird-dom. Northern Flickers March 2, 2018 Northern flickers
Bird, Fly, Northern FlickersThe Poison Food Chain

Here lies Accipiter cooperii, a Cooper’s hawk, likely an unintended victim of poison baits consumed by rodents. The unfortunate animal was brought to Hickory Knolls after having been found in a St. Charles yard. The Poison Food Chain February 23, 2018 Chances are, even if you’re not a naturalist, you’re probably acquainted with the concept
Food Chain, Poison Baits, ToxinOpossums

Remarkable in many respects yet poorly adapted to winter, the Virginia opossum will often forego its nocturnal nature to forage at birdfeeders and other free food sources on all but the coldest of days. Opossums February 16, 2018 Let’s take a moment, shall we, to add up the many fine qualities of Didelphis virginiana, the
Critter, Opossum, PossumSharp-Shinned Hawk…Maybe?

Labeled “sharp-shinned hawk” on a stock photography website, this photo actually may depict a male Cooper’s hawk. An informal Facebook poll yielded 12 votes for Cooper’s and 1 for sharp-shinned. But an expert from the Field Museum says the angle makes it hard to be 100% sure. What do you think? Sharp-Shinned Hawk…Maybe? February 9,
Bird, Cooper's Hawk, Fly, FlyHawk, Hawk