Like a fighter pilot on patrol, this green darner dragonfly scans his territory for prey as well as rival males.
Baby Pictures
Just like human babies, insect babies–also known as larvae–sometimes bear little resemblance to the adults they become.
European Earwigs
Hello in there! Earwig droppings contain an aggregation pheromone that attracts both adults and nymphs, resulting in earwig clusters like this one inside some milkweed…
Menard County Tour
Rolling hills and wide-open spaces characterize the landscape of downstate Menard County IL.
The translucent ‘balloons’ on this sprig of bladderwort take in nutrients in the form of tiny arthropods. The other animals in the picture, such as…
Red-winged Blackbirds
Perched atop a small hackberry tree, a male red-winged blackbird eyes a curious naturalist walking along the Fox River Trail in Geneva.
Cicada Pressure
Basswood Flowers
Neither bumble bees nor naturalists can resist the sweet smell of Tilia blossoms; the aromas are equally alluring-and perhaps even more so-at night.
Polyphemus Cocoon Part Two
A newly emerged male polyphemus moth rests after his recent emergence from his home of seven months, the cocoon on the right.
Polyphemus Cocoon Part One
A newly emerged male polyphemus moth rests after his recent emergence from his home of seven months, the cocoon on the right.