Whether we realize it or not, we all have hidden talents – a special skill or talent we trot out from time to time to…
Great Black Wasps
Back in the day of Saturday morning cartoons, one of the more memorable commercials (and one of the more annoying, if you ask my mom)…
Great Black Wasps, Insect, sting, WaspGray Tree Frogs
The things you learn when you write a nature column. Years ago I didn’t know, for instance, that the word fungus made some folks uncomfortable.…
Amphibian, Frog, Gray Tree Frog, HopImperial Moths
The other morning I got a text from my good friend Laura McKinsey. That in itself was a great way to start the day, as…
Giant Silkmoth, Imperial Moths, MothDelnor Woods Park
Like so many people, I’d planned to get away this summer. That’s right, I-the girl who walks to work, and considers a drive to Wheaton…
Delnor Woods Park, Park, Timeless TagsLong-tailed Weasels
Here at Good Natured World Headquarters, we get a fair amount of correspondence asking for assistance in “getting rid of ____________.” Over the years that…
Critter, Long Tailed Weasel, WeaselHerb the Hydrangea
Periodical Cicadas
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the air these days has a distinct buzz about it. Here we are, gradually emerging from our collective…
Cicada, Life Cycle, Periodical CicadaMystery Burrows – Part 2
Good Natured readers might recall how last week we talked of how jigsaw puzzles were all the rage during the Covid quarantine, and how satisfying…
Burrow, Ground, Holes, Mystery BurrowMystery Burrows – Part 1
So today I’m wondering, how many of you passed at least part of our corona quarantine poring over jigsaw puzzles? I have several friends who…
Burrow, Ground, Holes, Mystery Burrow