As the temperatures start to cool, don’t be surprised if a parson comes to your door. Actually, he, or she, might instead come to your…
Bees, Wasps and Impostors!
Oh, bees. We think we know them, but do we really? A couple of recent incidents reminded me that bees-that familiar group of herbivorous and…
Bee, Bee-like Robber Fly, Insect, WaspMilksnakes
Secret Identity-The Carnivore Chipmunk
Rattlesnake Master
Walking up to Hickory Knolls, our wonderful nature center, I never cease to be struck by the abundance of beauty displayed by our native wildflowers.…
Flower Head, Plant, Rattlesnake MasterPrairie Dropseed
Mmm…popcorn. I love the way it looks. I love the way it tastes. I love the way it smells, too. And golly, I’ve been smelling…
Native Plant Garden, Prairie, Prairie DropseedCicadas
To paraphrase an old saying, “Behind every great male, there’s a great female.” Most folks I know would agree but, if you’d like more proof,…
Cicada, Cicada Song, Eggs, NymphsBarn Swallows
The neighbor’s kids were out the other day, chattering excitedly as they soaked up some summer sun. It was snack time – seems like it’s…
Barn Swallow, Bird, Fly, SwallowBrown Anoles
Don’t you just love life’s little surprises? You reach in your coat pocket and find a forgotten $5 bill. Yay! You run into an old…
Brown Anole, Lizard, Reptile, Tropical