How do you host a wild bird bash in the middle of winter? Just add water…to a heated birdbath.
Oriental Bittersweet

Oriental bittersweet, an aggressive invader of woodlands, has become naturalized across northeastern Illinois.
Asian Vine, Berries, Invader, Oriental BittersweetShrimp of the Woods

Puffy, blobby and white, the mushroom known as shrimp of the woods is valued by some foragers of wild edibles for its texture and flavor.…
Decomposter, Edible, Mushroom, Shrimp of the WoodsOil Beetles

Look, but don’t touch! Meloe spp. oil beetles pack a powerful chemical defense, but also feature a life cycle with astounding intricacies.
Blister Beetle, Chemical, Meloe, Oil BeetleKane County Certified Naturalists

Participants in the Kane County Certified Naturalist program learn about local ecology through a combination of coursework and field trips to area parks and preserves.
Expert, Naturalist, NatureFall Colors
Chicken of the Woods
Back in the 1960s, marketers of a certain brand of tuna came up with a catchy jingle: “Ask any mermaid you happen to see, What’s…
Chicken of the Woods, Decomposer, Edible, Mushroom