Randy Ratsnake gives another jaw-dropping performance, using an amazing set of mandibular adaptations to swallow his meal. No unhinging, detaching or dislocating required!
Losing My Religiosa

European praying mantises can vary widely in color, from light tan to green, but the ‘bullseye’ on the inner surface of the front leg is…
Insect, Mantis, Praying MantisAmerican Kestrels: Part Two

With assistance from wildlife biologists from the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, American kestrel chicks in the Kane County nest box program are weighed,…
American Kestrels, Bird, FlyAmerican Kestrels! Part One

American Kestrels are small falcons that favor grasslands and other areas with low vegetation. These colorful birds, sometimes mistaken for mourning doves, survey their hunting grounds from prominent posts like tall poles and utility lines. Good Natured: American Kestrels! Part One July 15, 2022 Well, it happened again the other day. There I was, sitting
American Kestrels, Bird, FlyCan You Spot a Spotless Lady Beetle?

Measuring right around 4 mm, or just over 1/8 in. in length, the polished or ‘spotless’ lady beetle is one of our area’s native ladybug…
Beetle, Insect, Spotless Lady BeetleLate-night Love with Long-horned Beetles

Two long-horned beetles found themselves attracted to the light, and each other, on a recent summer night. Good Natured: Late-night Love with Long-horned Beetles July 1, 2022 The other night, even though I was dog tired, I stepped outside for a bit of fresh air before bed. It’s a simple exercise, one I take part
Beetle, Insect, Long Horned BeetleOld Friends Karen, Phengodes and Neotibicen
Papa’s Back Is Home to 100 Wee Ones
Ducks Make a Splash
Common Yellowthroat

As shown in this stock photo, the male common yellowthroat bears unmistakable plumage that includes a black mask trimmed on top with white. A denizen…
Bird, Common Yellowthroat, Fly