Front and center in this arrangement, osage orange fruit brings bright color, a pleasant scent and a whole lot of history to holiday displays.
Kane County Badgers
Owl Ears
Box Turtles a Lifelong Commitment
Arthur the box turtle has lived as a pet since 1978 but his actual age is unknown.
Box Turtle, Reptile, TurtlesBen Franklin & Turkeys
The wild turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, was never a candidate for our nation’s symbol, but it did help Benjamin Franklin advance his study of electricity.
Ben Franklin, Bird, Thanksgiving, TurkeyRavenel’s Stinkhorn
A Ravenel’s stinkhorn grows amid the wood chips at a local playground. These powerful decomposers, it turns out, are mighty stinkin’ strong.
Decomposer, Fungi, Ravenel StinkhornScatter-Hoarding Squirrels
Its nose stained from burying nuts in wet soil, a squirrel pauses, and poses, in the midst of its scatter-hoarding activities.
Critters, Scatter-Hoarding, SquirrelsA Crayfish Volcano?
KCCN Season Is Just Around the Corner
Learning experiences such as this very wet wetlands field trip help participants in the Kane County Certified Naturalist program understand the connections within our local…
Environment, Naturalist, Nature