The calendar says spring is still two weeks away, but nature’s signs are unmistakable. For one, tiger salamanders are on the move, making their annual…

Skunk cabbage is northern Illinois’ earliest blooming native wildflower, popping up in late winter in groundwater seeps, springs and fens.
Bloom, Season, Skunk Cabbage, SpringRough-legged Hawks

Its ‘poofy pants’ clearly visible, a rough-legged hawk takes off from a weathered perch.
Bird, Fly, Hawk, Rough-legged HawkKentucky Coffeetrees

The reddish-brown pods of the Kentucky coffeetree contain seeds that were once used as a coffee substitute and, even further back, as food for Ice…
Kentucky Coffeetree, Pods, TreeFrog Monitor Training
Bald-faced Hornet Nests

Bald-faced hornet nests, like this large one in St. Charles, are revealed when the leaves fall from the tree. The former residents, a type of…
Hornet, Hornet Nests, Nest, WaspSnow Flies & Winter Crane Flies

Besides sharing the trait of being active in winter, these insects also share a common ancestor and are members of the insect infraorder Tipulomorpha. The…
Insect, Snow Fly, Winter Crane FlyPoison Food Chain

Rodent baits often have unintended consequences, traveling through food chains and accumulating in the bodies of higher-level consumers like this Cooper’s hawk. The bird was…
Chemical, Food Chain, Poison