Ambassadors since 2011
Emydoidea blandingii
- Unlike Hickory Knolls’ other animals, all but one of our Blanding’s turtles are not permanent residents at the nature center. They are part of the Blanding’s Recovery Project initiated by the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County and as such may be relocated from time to time as part of the project’s breeding program.
- Each has a number on its back as well as an internal chip that identifies the individual and is used for recordkeeping.
- One turtle, No. 2, also knows an Emmy Lou, is our one permanent resident. Due to her medical history she is no longer in the breeding program.
- Blanding’s turtles are endangered in Illinois due to habitat loss, road mortality, predation (especially of eggs and hatchlings) and unauthorized collecting.
If you look closely at a Blanding’s turtle you’ll notice they look like they’re smiling. We’d like to say that permanent grin is due to their pleasant indoor environment. But really it’s because of a notch in their upper jaw.